Material for CNC Machining

a grey color anodizing cnc turning component on left and a black anodizing aluminum cnc milling component on right

CNC machining relies heavily on material choice. It affects the product’s quality, the machining process, and the cost-effectiveness of the production process, among other things. Materials differ in terms of tensile strength, heat, and corrosion resistance. 

The properties of materials influence how they respond to machining, their suitability for certain applications, and their performance in the real world. Therefore, CNC machining requires understanding and selecting the right material.

Table of Contents

What is CNC Machining?

CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machining is a process where computer software controls factory tools and machinery. It can manage complex machinery, from grinders and lathes to mills and routers, accomplishing three-dimensional cutting tasks. Once programmed, CNC machines can produce large quantities with high precision, making them indispensable in manufacturing.

How Do Material Properties Affect CNC Machining?

Material properties have a significant impact on the CNC machining process. Here’s how some key properties influence the process:

1. Hardness: The hardness of materials like carbon steel or stainless steel affects the wear resistance of cutting tools. Harder materials can wear down tools faster, leading to more frequent changes.

2. Thermal Expansion: Materials expand under high temperatures, which can occur during machining. This expansion can impact the accuracy of the machining process, especially for precision parts.

3. Corrosion Resistance: This property is crucial for parts used in harsh environments. Materials with high corrosion resistance, such as marine-grade stainless steel or certain plastic resins, are ideal for industrial applications.

light anodizing turning component

4. Electrical Conductivity: Electronic components require materials with good electrical conductivity. Other metals like aluminum alloys are often used to manufacture electronic components because they are excellent conductors.

5. Tensile Strength: The ability of a material to withstand pinpoint surface loads without breaking is vital in many applications, including aerospace frames and automotive components.

Understanding these properties is crucial in selecting the most suitable material for a specific CNC machining project, ensuring the machining process’s efficiency and the final product’s quality.

milling Titanium part

Metals in CNC Machining

Why Use Metals in CNC Machining?

A metal’s robust properties make it a popular material for CNC machining. Due to their high tensile strength, they can withstand significant stress without deforming or breaking. Carbon steel, alloy steel, and aluminum alloys are ideal for applications requiring durability and strength.

Furthermore, metals are heat-resistant, which makes them ideal for environments with high temperatures. Stainless steel, for example, can maintain its structural integrity at high temperatures, making it an ideal choice for aerospace and automotive components.

Moreover, certain metals offer excellent corrosion resistance. Marine-grade stainless steel, for instance, can withstand harsh environments, making it suitable for marine applications.

grey ptfe cnc milling part

How Do Metals Behave in CNC Machining?

During the CNC machining process, metals exhibit certain behaviors that machinists need to account for. For example, metals tend to be harder than certain materials, leading to wear faster and tear on cutting tools. Therefore, machinists often need robust cutting tools and adjust cutting speeds to accommodate the metal’s hardness.

Thermal expansion is another factor to consider. Metals can expand when exposed to the heat generated during the machining process. This expansion must be considered, especially when machining parts with tight tolerances.

A metal’s electrical conductivity can also affect machining. When machining electronic components, machinists often choose metals like aluminum alloys due to their excellent electrical conductivity.

cnc turning aluminum part

What Metal Materials Are Commonly Used in CNC Machining?

CNC machining commonly involves several metal materials, each with different properties that make them suitable for different applications:

1. Carbon Steel: Carbon steel is known for its high tensile strength and durability, making it an excellent choice for applications requiring wear and tear resistance.

2. Alloy Steel: Steel that contains additional elements to enhance certain properties, such as strength and hardness. Often, it appears in automotive components and machine parts.

3. Aluminum Alloys: Due to their lightweight properties and excellent machinability, aluminum alloys are popular in aerospace for parts that must be lightweight.

4. Stainless Steel: Its corrosion resistance makes it popular for medical equipment and marine applications.

CNC machinists can select the most appropriate and cost-efficient material for their CNC machining projects by understanding the properties of these metals.

a blind hole in a transparent pvc component

Plastics in CNC Machining

Why Use Plastics in CNC Machining?

CNC machining is becoming increasingly popular due to the unique properties of plastics. They are lightweight materials ideal for applications such as aircraft components or high-performance recreational equipment where weight is a concern. 

A plastic part may be exposed to harsh environments because it offers good mechanical properties and is often corrosion-resistant.


Furthermore, plastics can be a cost-effective material choice for CNC machining. Generally, they are easier to machine than metals, resulting in lower manufacturing costs. A good choice for components exposed to chemicals is polypropylene, which offers excellent chemical resistance.

How Do Plastics Respond in CNC Machining?

A plastic material behaves differently during CNC machining than metal. If they are not dealt with correctly, they can deform because they are generally softer and more flexible. CNC machining of plastics must also account for factors such as heat generation since plastics can melt or warp at high temperatures.

Due to molecular weight and crystallinity differences, plastics also have a wide range of properties, even among the same type. Accordingly, the CNC machining process must be carefully controlled and adjusted depending on the plastic.

white nylon plastic machined part, cnc milling service

What Plastic Materials Attend CNC Machining?

Several types of plastic materials are commonly used in CNC machining, each offering unique properties:

1. ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene): ABS is a common material in CNC machining, known for its toughness and impact resistance. It’s often used in automotive components and consumer goods.

2. Polycarbonate: PC plastic offers excellent strength and transparency, making it a popular choice for applications that require clear components.

3. Polypropylene: PP, A lightweight, chemical-resistant plastic, polypropylene is often used in packaging and consumer goods.

4. Nylon: Gears and bearings are often made from nylon because of their excellent wear resistance and strength.

5. Acetal (Delrin): Acetal has excellent dimensional stability and is known for its high resistance to solvents and chemicals.

By understanding the properties and behaviors of these plastics, machinists can make an informed material selection for their CNC machining projects, ensuring the efficiency of the manufacturing process and the quality of the final CNC machined components.

grey plastic gear, white background

Material Selection Considerations

How Do Specific Properties Impact Material Choice?

Choosing the right materials for CNC machining involves understanding each material’s unique properties. Hard materials like medium carbon steel can wear down cutting tools faster, increasing manufacturing costs.

Conversely, softer materials, like certain plastic CNC materials, are easier to machine but may need more durability than their metal counterparts. Corrosion resistance is another key factor, especially for parts exposed to harsh environments.

Lightweight materials, such as aluminum alloys or thermoplastic materials, are ideal for applications where weight is a concern.

purple anodizing color of a cnc milling component

How Does Material Expansion Affect CNC Machining?

CNC machining relies heavily on material expansion. Heat expands all materials, including metals and non-metallics. The heat generated during the CNC milling or cutting can cause this expansion. 

If not properly accounted for, this expansion can lead to inaccuracies in the final CNC machined components. For instance, metals tend to expand more than plastics when heated, requiring adjustments in the machining process.

Several factors are crucial when selecting materials for CNC machining. To ensure the efficiency of CNC manufacturing and the quality of the final products, machinists must understand these factors and select the most suitable materials for their CNC machining projects.

bronze, brass, copper for difference cnc turning parts

Industry-Specific Material Choices

What Materials are Preferred in Key Industries?

The needs of different industries influence the choice of CNC machining materials. Here’s a brief overview:

  • – Aerospace Industry: Aluminum alloys are popular for their lightweight properties without compromising strength.
  • – Medical Industry: Often opts for stainless steels due to their excellent corrosion resistance and ability to withstand sterilization processes.
  • – Automotive Industry: Uses a mix of materials, from mild steel for structural components to plastic resins for interior parts.
  • – Electronics Industry: Materials with good electrical conductivity, such as certain metals, are commonly used.

IndustryPreferred Materials
AerospaceAluminum alloys
MedicalStainless steels
AutomotiveMild steel, plastic resins
ElectronicsMetals with good electrical conductivity

How Do Industry Needs Influence Material Choice?

The industry needs significantly influence material choice in CNC machining. Aluminum alloys or certain lightweight plastics are suitable for industries that require lightweight components, such as aerospace and automotive.

Industries that require parts with high corrosion resistance, such as marine or chemical industries, may choose stainless steel or other corrosion-resistant metals. Materials that are easy to machine, like certain plastic resins, are ideal for industries requiring high precision and complex shapes, such as electronics.

When choosing CNC materials, it is crucial to understand the specific needs of each industry. This ensures the right materials are selected, resulting in efficient manufacturing processes and high-quality CNC components.

4 titanium anodizing cnc turning parts, difference anodizing color

Material Selection in Practice

What are Some Real-World Examples of Material Selection?

The final product’s requirements guide material selection in CNC machining. For instance:

  • – Automotive Industry: Aluminum, known for its light weight and strength, is commonly used for car components to enhance fuel efficiency.
  • – Medical Industry: Stainless steel, recognized for its corrosion resistance, is preferred for surgical instruments.
  • – Electronics Industry: Plastic resins, easy to machine and mold, are ideal for intricate electronic enclosures.

How Does Material Choice Impact the Final Product?

Material choice significantly influences the final product’s performance and durability. Lightweight materials like aluminum are crucial in industries like aerospace and automotive for performance efficiency. 

Conversely, materials with poor corrosion resistance can lead to products that deteriorate quickly in harsh environments. Therefore, choosing corrosion-resistant materials like stainless steel ensures longer-lasting and better-performing products.



Material science is crucial in CNC machining as it guides the selection of materials based on their properties, impacting the final product’s performance, durability, and efficiency.

Whether choosing lightweight materials for aerospace or corrosion-resistant ones for medical instruments, understanding material science ensures optimal material selection for each CNC project, thereby influencing the quality and functionality of the end product.

two cnc machining components with same milling structure, the left one is with a polishing shin surface, the right one with common machined surface

Frequently Asked Questions

Metals such as aluminum and stainless steel and plastics such as ABS and polycarbonate frequently appear in CNC machining. Depending on the project requirements, thermoplastic resins are also an option.

Machinability, strength, weight, and corrosion resistance all play a role in determining the best CNC machining material. This selection process is heavily influenced by material science.


CNC machining services include milling, turning, drilling, and cutting. These services utilize various materials to create parts and components based on the project’s specifications.

Lightweight materials commonly used in CNC machining include aluminum and certain plastics. These materials make sense for projects where weight significantly impacts performance.

Metals like aluminum and stainless steel and thermoplastics like POM and polycarbonate are common materials for CNC machining. It is important to consider the project’s specific requirements when choosing materials.

Non-metallic materials commonly used in CNC machining include plastics such as nylon, polycarbonate, and thermoplastic. These materials are favored for their ease of machining, lightweight, and in some cases, heat resistance. The right CNC machining materials are selected based on the project’s specific requirements.

Plastic resin is commonly used in CNC machining as a lightweight and easy-to-machine material. You can mold intricate designs into complex shapes through injection molding.

The choice of material significantly affects the properties of the components produced by a CNC machine. For instance, aluminum and stainless steel are often used for their strength and durability, while plastics are popular for their lightweight and flexibility. Materials with specific properties, such as heat resistance, may also be selected. CNC machining involves selecting materials based on the project’s specific needs.

The material selection process in CNC machining involves choosing the most suitable material based on the project’s specific requirements. This includes considering the material’s properties, such as its strength, weight, heat resistance, and how it responds to the cutting process. Both metallic and non-metallic materials, including various plastics, are commonly used in CNC machining. The most common CNC materials are selected based on these factors and the specific needs of the project.

When selecting CNC machining materials, corrosion resistance is important since it affects the final product’s durability and longevity. When exposed to harsh environments, materials with poor corrosion resistance may deteriorate quickly.

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