What is considered mild steel?

stainless steel sheet metal plate

Looking to understand what mild steel is and why it’s widely used across industries? You’re in the right place! We have the insights and answers to satisfy your curiosity and guide your projects.

Mild steel is a low-carbon steel with less than 0.25% carbon content. It is known for its ductility, weldability, and affordability, making it ideal for construction, automotive, and manufacturing applications.

Dive deeper into the world of mild steel with us! From its key properties and common uses to expert tips on identification, cutting, welding, and protection against rust, we cover everything you need to know to make the most of this versatile material.

Table of Contents

What is Mild Steel?

Mild steel, or low carbon steel, is defined by its relatively low carbon content, usually less than 0.25%. This makes it more ductile and malleable than higher carbon steel, such as medium and ultra-high carbon steel. 

The mechanical properties of mild steel, including its weldability and affordability, make it a popular choice across various industries. 

Unlike high carbon steels, which may undergo heat treatments to achieve desired properties, mild steel is often used in its raw form or with minimal processing, like hot rolling, to maintain its characteristics.

GradeTypical CompositionPrimary Applications
ASTM A36C: 0.25%, Mn: 0.8-1.2%, Si: ≤0.4%, P: ≤0.04%, S: ≤0.05%Construction, buildings, structural components
1018C: 0.15–0.20%, Mn: 0.6–0.9%, P: ≤0.04%, S: ≤0.05%Parts requiring cold forming like bolts, fasteners
1020C: 0.18–0.23%, Mn: 0.3–0.6%, P: ≤0.04%, S: ≤0.05%Casings, tubing, general engineering parts
A283C: ≤0.27%, Mn: ≤0.90%, Si: ≤0.40%, P: ≤0.035%, S: ≤0.04%Structural applications in industrial and commercial buildings
S275C: ≤0.25%, Mn: ≤1.6%, P: ≤0.04%, S: ≤0.05%Construction and engineering, offering a balance of strength and ductility
S355C: ≤0.23%, Mn: ≤1.6%, P: ≤0.035%, S: ≤0.035%Higher strength construction and engineering applications
C1010C: 0.08–0.13%, Mn: 0.30–0.60%, P: ≤0.04%, S: ≤0.05%Automotive parts, machinery components requiring easy shaping
C1020C: 0.18–0.23%, Mn: 0.30–0.60%, P: ≤0.04%, S: ≤0.05%Mechanical parts and structural applications not requiring high strength

The Importance of Mild Steel in Everyday Life

Mild steel is integral to numerous applications, from the construction of buildings and bridges to the manufacturing of automotive parts and household appliances. Its grades, determined by carbon content and other alloying elements, impact its mechanical properties, such as tensile strength and surface hardness. For instance, galvanized mild steel, which undergoes a zinc coating process, offers enhanced corrosion resistance, making it suitable for outdoor use.

U BRACKETS. aluminum.1.5mm thickness

Comparing Mild Steel to Other Steels

The spectrum of carbon steels ranges from low-carbon steels, like mild steel, to high-carbon and ultra-high-carbon steels, each categorized by carbon content and specific chemical composition. 

Alloy steels, enriched with other alloying elements like manganese, silicon, or nickel, provide varied properties for specialized applications. The production process, from the blast furnace to the basic oxygen furnace or electric arc furnace, and the subsequent treatments like heat treatment or surface treatment (e.g., galvanization), further distinguish these steels in terms of durability, wear resistance, and application suitability.

FeatureLow Carbon Steels (Mild Steels)High-Carbon SteelsUltra-High Carbon Steels
Carbon ContentLess than 0.25%Between 0.6% and 1.25%Above 1.25%
Main Alloying ElementCarbon, with minimal other elementsCarbon, sometimes with other alloying elements to enhance propertiesCarbon, often with specific alloying elements for targeted properties
Mechanical PropertiesGood ductility and malleability, lower tensile strengthHigher tensile strength, less ductile than low carbon steelsVery high hardness and strength, but low ductility
WeldabilityExcellentModerate to low, depending on carbon contentGenerally poor due to high carbon content
Corrosion ResistanceRelatively low but can be improved with coatings or galvanizingLow; protective coatings are necessary for corrosion resistanceLow; similar to high-carbon steels, requires surface treatment
ApplicationsStructural components, automotive parts, appliancesTools, dies, knives, springs, wear-resistant applicationsCutting tools, dies, and other applications requiring extreme hardness
Heat TreatmentLimited to full annealing and normalizingHardenable through quenching and temperingRequires precise temperature control during heat treatment for desired properties
Surface TreatmentOften galvanized or painted for corrosion protectionMay undergo carburizing to improve surface hardnessSimilar to high-carbon steels, may receive special coatings for durability
Common Manufacturing ProcessesHot rolling, welding, formingForging, machining, heat treatmentForging, followed by precise machining and heat treatment

Diverse Applications of Mild Steel

In the construction industry, mild steel is prized for its strength and flexibility, forming the backbone of our infrastructure. Automotive manufacturers rely on mild steel for its balance of strength and malleability, crafting safe and durable vehicle frames. The manufacturing sector utilizes mild steel to produce various products, from steel pipes to machinery parts, thanks to its weldability and cost-effectiveness.

  •  Construction: Utilizes mild steel for structural components, benefiting from its strength and ductility.
  •  Automotive: Employs mild steel in body panels and frames, leveraging its formability and toughness.
  •  Manufacturing: Produces various mild steel products, including appliances and machinery, valuing its versatility and affordability.
cylindrical metal shell , nickel plated brass

How is mild steel made?

Mild steel, a type of low-carbon steel, is manufactured through a detailed process that transforms iron ore into steel with specific properties, including a low carbon content that defines its classification within the broader carbon steel category. 

This process ensures the production of mild steel with the desired mechanical and chemical properties, such as enhanced corrosion resistance and adequate tensile strength. Here’s a concise, keyword-enriched overview of how mild steel is made:

  1. Iron Ore Extraction: The journey begins with the extraction of iron ore, a natural source of iron oxides, the foundational raw material for making steel, including varieties like mild steel and medium carbon steel.
  2. Blast Furnace: Iron ore is combined with coke (carbon-rich coal) and limestone in the blast furnace and then subjected to high temperatures. This process produces molten iron by reducing iron oxide with carbon monoxide gas, while impurities are removed as slag.
  3. Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) or Electric Arc Furnace (EAF): For further refinement, the molten iron is transferred to either a BOF or an EAF. The BOF method blows pure oxygen into the molten iron to lower its carbon content, while the EAF process melts down scrap steel, adjusting the carbon content to create mild steel with low carbon steel characteristics.
  4. Secondary Steelmaking: This stage fine-tunes the steel’s chemical composition, including its carbon content and the addition of other elements, to produce different grades of mild steel. The goal is to achieve mild steel’s low carbon content and desired properties, like corrosion resistance and specific tensile strength.
  5. Casting: Through continuous casting, the steel is shaped into semi-finished forms (slabs, blooms, or billets). This step is crucial for determining the mild steel’s final form, whether plates, sheets, or mild steel pipes.
  6. Rolling and Finishing: The steel is hot rolled, heated, and passed through rollers to achieve the desired thickness and shape. Further processing, such as cold rolling or heat treatment, can enhance the steel’s properties. Surface treatments, like galvanizing, apply a coating thickness that protects the mild steel from corrosion, extending its lifespan and utility.

Throughout these stages, from the blast furnace to the final surface treatment, the production of mild steel is carefully controlled to ensure the material meets specific standards for chemical composition (notably, its element carbon and iron content) and mechanical properties.

milling metal shaft, hardened.

Advantages and Limitations of Mild Steel

Mild steel, also known as low-carbon steel, is a popular material choice for various projects thanks to its unique blend of properties. As a type of carbon steel with a carbon content typically less than 0.25%, it stands out from other carbon steel types, like medium and high carbon steel, for its excellent weldability, formability, and affordability.

Advantages of Mild Steel

  1. Cost-Effectiveness: Derived from iron ore through processes in the blast furnace, followed by refining in the basic oxygen furnace or electric arc furnace, mild steel benefits from an efficient production process. This makes it more affordable than other steels, especially alloy or higher carbon steels, making it a go-to for budget-sensitive projects.
  2. Weldability and Formability: The lower carbon content in mild steel contributes to its notable ductility and enhances its weldability and formability. This allows for easier shaping and joining of materials, which is crucial for custom projects and intricate designs. Hot rolling further improves these properties, making mild steel adaptable for various applications, from construction beams to steel pipes.
  3. Recyclability: The sustainability of mild steel is highlighted by its recyclability. Scrap steel, often recycled in the steelmaking process, can be reused without compromising the steel’s mechanical properties or chemical composition, making mild steel an environmentally friendly option.
a ss 303 cnc milling part

Limitations of Mild Steel and Solutions

  1. Corrosion Susceptibility: Despite its many advantages, mild steel is prone to rust when exposed to elements, a downside attributed to its chemical properties. Applying surface treatments such as galvanizing, where a zinc coating is applied in a zinc bath, can significantly improve its corrosion resistance. Alternatively, painting creates a protective surface layer that seals the steel from moisture and air.
  2. Lower Tensile Strength: Mild steel has a relatively low tensile strength compared to medium or high carbon steel. However, this limitation can be mitigated by selecting specific grades of mild steel with slightly higher carbon content or by reinforcing mild steel with other materials for enhanced strength.
  3. Limited Hardness and Wear Resistance: Mild steel’s surface hardness and wear resistance are not as high as those of ultra-high carbon steel or alloy steels enriched with alloy components. However, carburizing, which introduces carbon monoxide gas to the surface metal at high temperatures, can increase hardness for applications requiring enhanced wear resistance.
  4. Heat Sensitivity: Mild steel’s material properties change at high temperatures, reaching an upper critical temperature where strength decreases. For high-temperature applications, alternative materials or applying heat-resistant coatings can offer solutions.

A comprehensive understanding of mild steel’s mechanical and chemical properties and its comparisons to other types and grades of carbon steel is essential when incorporating it into projects. 

Despite its limitations, mild steel is an invaluable resource in the industry because of its versatility and advantages, from the continuous casting machine to its application in structures and products. Mild steel can be used in construction, manufacturing, and beyond by addressing its drawbacks.

ga thickness bars

How to identify mild steel from other types of steel?

Identifying mild steel from other types of steel involves several key methods:

  1. Carbon Content Test: Mild steel has a low carbon content (less than 0.25%). Chemical analysis can accurately determine the carbon content, distinguishing it from higher carbon steels.
  2. Magnet Test: Mild steel is magnetic. Using a magnet can help differentiate it from non-magnetic types of stainless steel.
  3. Spark Test: When mild steel is ground with an abrasive wheel, it produces long, yellow sparks with few branches, unlike high carbon steel, which produces shorter, more forked sparks.
  4. Visual Inspection: Mild steel typically has a duller, more matte finish than some stainless steel’s brighter finish. However, this method is less reliable due to surface treatments that can alter appearance.
  5.  Hardness Test: Mild steel is softer than high carbon and alloy steels. A file test can give a rough indication of hardness; mild steel files easily.

These methods provide a good starting point for identifying mild steel, though professional material testing is recommended for precise identification.

stainless steel sheet metal enclosure

What are the best practices for welding mild steel?

Welding mild steel effectively requires adherence to best practices that ensure strong, durable welds. Here are the key guidelines:

  1. Clean the Steel Surface: Before welding, clean the mild steel to remove any rust, oil, dirt, or paint that could contaminate the weld. Use a wire brush or grinder for a clean, bare metal surface.
  2. Choose the Right Welding Process: For mild steel, common welding processes include MIG (Metal Inert Gas), TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas), and Stick welding. MIG welding is often preferred for its ease of use and efficiency, but the choice depends on the specific application and thickness of the steel.
  3. Select Appropriate Filler Material: Use a filler material compatible with mild steel’s chemical composition. For MIG welding, ER70S-6 wire is a common choice. Ensure the filler material matches or exceeds the strength of the base metal.
  4. Control Heat Input: Mild steel is susceptible to warping and distortion under high heat. Use proper heat control to minimize these effects, employing techniques like stitch welding or using a lower amperage setting.
  5. Use Correct Shielding Gas: A mixture of argon and carbon dioxide for MIG welding provides good coverage and penetration. Pure argon is preferred for TIG welding. Shielding gas prevents oxidation and contamination of the weld pool.
  6. Apply Proper Welding Techniques: Maintain a consistent speed and angle during welding to ensure uniform weld beads. For thicker materials, bevel the edges to achieve proper penetration.
  7. Prevent Weld Cracking: Avoid welding too fast or using excessive heat, as this can lead to cracks. Preheating the steel to a moderate temperature (100-200°F) can help reduce the risk of cracking for thicker pieces.
  8. Post-Weld Cleaning and Inspection: Clean the weld area after welding to remove any slag or spatter. Inspect the weld for defects like cracks, porosity, or undercutting. Grinding or additional welding is used to correct any issues.
  9. Practice Safety: Always wear appropriate safety gear, including a welding helmet with proper shade, gloves, and protective clothing. Ensure good ventilation to avoid inhalation of fumes.
aluminum metal enclosure, polished surface.

How to prevent mild steel from rusting?

Protecting mild steel from rust involves several effective strategies to prevent corrosion and enhance the longevity of the steel. Here are the key methods:

  1. Painting: Applying paint is one of the simplest and most common methods to protect mild steel from rust. Paint is a barrier that prevents moisture and oxygen from reaching the steel surface. Ensure the surface is clean and free from rust before painting, and use a primer designed for metal surfaces for best results.
  2. Galvanizing: Galvanizing involves coating the mild steel with a protective layer of zinc. The zinc layer sacrifices itself to protect the steel from corrosion. Hot-dip galvanizing, where the steel is submerged in molten zinc, is particularly effective for outdoor applications.
  3. Applying Protective Coatings: Besides paint, other protective coatings like epoxy, polyurethane, or powder coatings can be applied to mild steel. These coatings provide a durable, protective layer against moisture and chemicals.
  4. Using Rust Inhibitors: Rust inhibitors can be applied to the steel surface to prevent oxidation. These chemicals form a protective film that shields the metal from moisture and air. Rust inhibitors are suitable for temporary protection during storage or transport and long-term corrosion prevention.
  5. Cathodic Protection: This method is more technical and is often used for pipelines and underground tanks. Cathodic protection involves attaching a sacrificial anode to the mild steel, which corrodes in place of the steel, thereby protecting it from rusting.
  6. Regular Maintenance: Regular inspection and maintenance can help identify and address rust spots before they spread. Cleaning the steel surface regularly and touching up any damaged areas of paint or coating can significantly extend the life of mild steel.
  7. Environmental Control: Controlling the environment around mild steel can help prevent rust. Reducing exposure to moisture, salt, and chemicals by using dehumidifiers or ensuring proper drainage can mitigate rust formation.
  8. Use of Stainless Steel Fasteners: In construction or assembly, using stainless steel fasteners with mild steel can reduce the risk of galvanic corrosion, which occurs when dissimilar metals are in contact in the presence of an electrolyte.
low volume sheet metal part


Mild steel, characterized by its low carbon content (less than 0.25%), is a cornerstone material in industries ranging from construction to automotive due to its exceptional weldability, ductility, and affordability. This versatility enables its widespread use in structural applications, machinery, and everyday products. 

Despite its tendency to rust, galvanizing and painting effectively safeguard mild steel, prolonging its utility and durability. Its fundamental role in modern infrastructure and technology highlights mild steel’s enduring significance, combining cost-effectiveness with adaptability to meet the demands of current and future projects.

Frequently Asked Questions

No, 4140 is not mild steel; it is a medium-carbon alloy steel known for its ability to be heat treated for higher hardness and strength. This grade contains more carbon and other alloying elements like chromium and molybdenum compared to mild steel grades, which primarily consist of pure iron and minimal carbon.

Mild steel is not considered very hard. Its low carbon content makes it softer and more ductile than high-carbon steels or cast iron, which undergo processes to increase hardness and strength. Mild steels can be air-cooled from hot molten metal to achieve desired mechanical properties, including ductility.

Mild steel, or plain carbon steel, is classified by its carbon content, typically between 0.05% to 0.25% by weight. It is known for its ductility and weldability derived from its low carbon presence compared to other carbon steels. Mild steel is essentially iron with a small amount of carbon and is often produced from molten steel cooled in a steel bath to solidify.

The designation 1018 in steel refers to a mild steel grade with approximately 0.18% carbon content. It is a low-carbon or plain carbon steel known for its excellent weldability and machinability, making it suitable for various applications. 1018 steel is characterized by its balance of strength and ductility, achieved through the controlled addition of carbon to pure iron.

No, Mild steel, a category of plain carbon steel with less carbon than high-carbon steel, has lower tensile strength. Its strength is less than that of heat-treated or alloy steels but offers greater weldability and formability due to its lower carbon content.

The strongest grade of mild steel is 1020. This grade has the highest carbon content among mild steels, contributing to its strength, albeit at the expense of ductility.

ASTM A36 is a common ASTM grade for mild steel designed for structural applications. This specification covers shapes, plates, and bars of structural quality made from virgin steel or liquid steel cast into slabs or bars and often used in construction due to its strength and flexibility.

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