Aluminum CNC Machining: From Basics to Brilliance

a round aluminum turning component, clear anodizing

Aluminum CNC machining stands out as a prevalent manufacturing technique primarily because of its capability to produce intricate yet lightweight parts cost-effectively and swiftly. The unique properties of aluminum, such as its excellent strength-to-weight ratio and corrosion resistance, make it a favored choice for various industries. Regarding CNC machining aluminum, the end products are precise and durable, showcasing aluminum’s versatility as a material.

Table of Contents

Aluminum Overview

What Sets Aluminum Apart from CNC?

Aluminum’s versatility is unmatched. CNC machining is made possible by its high machinability and affordability. Aluminum can be machined three to four times faster than steel and titanium. This speed advantage translates to reduced machining time and costs.

Furthermore, its impressive strength-to-weight ratio has made it a staple in transportation industries, from cars and trains to aircraft and boats. The push for fuel efficiency and “lightweight” has seen aluminum replace heavier metals traditionally used in manufacturing.

Moreover, its high corrosion resistance eliminates the need for heavy anticorrosion coatings, which are often required by other materials. The non-toxic nature of aluminum and its 100% recyclability make it popular for food containers, electronic devices, and construction projects.

Which Alloys are Best for Machining?

Among various aluminum alloys, the 6xxx series, especially 6061, is a top choice for CNC machining. 6061 offers a balance of formability, corrosion resistance, and strength. It’s versatile and used in architectural products to electrical components. While the 7xxx series, like 7075, boasts high strength, 6061 remains favored for its well-rounded properties.

  • – Cast Aluminum Alloys: These are formed by pouring molten aluminum into molds. They are affordable, versatile, and can withstand high temperatures. They are predominantly used in the automotive industry for engine components and structural supports.
  • – Aluminum Lithium (Al-Li) Alloys: These are significantly lighter than pure aluminum, making them a favorite in the aerospace industry. However, they have lower machinability and reduced fracture toughness.
  • – Wrought Aluminum Alloys: These are shaped while in a solid state and are the most commonly used in aluminum CNC machining due to their superior mechanical properties and structural integrity compared to cast alloys.
Square aluminum part

CNC Machining Basics

How Does Aluminum Influence Machining?

CNC machining is popular because of aluminum’s unique properties. Its excellent corrosion resistance ensures longevity in end products, while its electrical conductivity makes it ideal for electronic components.

 Aluminum’s natural corrosion resistance, combined with its ability to machinability, enhances its machinability, which means aluminum parts can be produced faster, with precision, using CNC machines.

 Furthermore, the heat-treated nature of popular aluminum alloys, like the 6061, ensures consistent results during machining operations.

What are the Principles for Machining Aluminum?

When machining aluminum, understanding its properties is crucial. Aluminum’s lightweight and high strength-to-weight ratio make it preferred for industries seeking efficiency and performance. Its natural corrosion resistance and treatments like powder coating offer enhanced durability. 

Moreover, different aluminum grades serve varied purposes. For instance, an architectural alloy is used for decorative trim and exterior railings, while high-strength alloys like 7075 are heat treatable and used in demanding applications like fuselage frames.

aluminum round cnc turning component, fine surface

Cutting Tools

What Tools are Ideal for Aluminum?

For aluminum, tools that can handle its softness and stickiness are ideal. High-speed steel (HSS) or carbide tools are often Ideal for machining aluminum. CNC routers and CNC mills are popular due to their precision. The cutting tool should be sharp with a high positive rake and larger clearance angles to prevent the tool from rubbing and dissipating heat. CNC turning and milling operations often use tools with polished surfaces to prevent aluminum from sticking to the tool.

How Do Tool Coatings Affect Machining?

Coatings play a pivotal role in enhancing the life and performance of cutting tools. Nickel plating and powder coating can provide a barrier, enhancing the tool’s resistance to wear and reducing friction. 

This results in smoother machining operations, especially with sticky materials like aluminum. However, choosing the right coating based on the machining process and the desired outcome is essential. Some coatings offer high-stress corrosion resistance, while others focus on temperature resistance.

tapping tools

Machining Parameters

What Speeds and Feeds Work Best?

For aluminum, optimal machining parameters are crucial for achieving the best results. Cast aluminum alloys (308, 356, 380) should have surface footage of 500-1000 SFM, while wrought aluminum alloys (such as 2024, 6061, 7075) should have surface footage of 800-1500 SFM.

 It’s essential to adjust speeds and feeds based on the specific aluminum grade and the desired shape of the machined part.

Why Use Coolants and Lubricants?

Coolants and lubricants play a pivotal role in aluminum CNC milling. They reduce heat generation and prevent aluminum from sticking to the cutting tool. This ensures smoother machining operations, especially with sticky materials like aluminum. Furthermore, lubricants enhance the tool’s life, reduce wear, and ensure the machined aluminum parts have a fine finish.

cnc machining center working process

Precision and Tolerances

Why Prioritize Tight Tolerances?

Tight tolerances are essential in CNC machining to ensure the final product meets the exact specifications and functions correctly. Especially for custom aluminum parts, where precision is paramount, maintaining tight tolerances ensures the parts fit and function as intended. For industries like aerospace or medical, where even a slight deviation can lead to significant issues, prioritizing tight tolerances is non-negotiable.

What Factors Affect Tolerances?

Several factors can influence the tolerances in CNC machine operations:

1. Machine Stability: Precision machine tables and stable CNC routers ensure consistent machining.

2. Material Properties: The properties of aluminum alloys vary, from cast aluminum to the most popular aluminum alloy, 6061.

3. Tool Wear: The cutting tool can wear down over time, affecting its precision.

4. Manufacturing Process: Processes like aluminum extrusion or investment casting can have inherent variances.

5. Heat Generation: Excessive heat can cause the material to expand, affecting tolerances.

By understanding and controlling these factors, machinists can maintain tight tolerances and ensure the highest quality for aluminum machined parts.

3 difference titanium cnc components with anodizing color

Surface Quality

How to Balance Speed and Finish?

Balancing speed and finish in CNC machining is crucial, especially when working with multiple aluminum alloys. While faster speeds can increase production rates, they might compromise the surface finish. To achieve a balance:

1. Understand the Material: Different aluminum alloys have varied machining properties, from the highest strength aluminum alloys to those with limited resistance. Recognizing these can help set optimal speeds.

2. Tool Selection: A CNC router or CNC mill designed for aluminum can ensure a smoother finish even at higher speeds.

3. Depth of Cut: A shallower depth can improve the finish but might require more passes, affecting speed.

Which Techniques Improve Surface Finish?

Several techniques can enhance the surface finish of machined parts:

1. Coolants and Lubricants: These reduce heat and prevent the aluminum from sticking to the cutting tool, ensuring a smoother finish.

2. Tool Path Optimization: Modern manufacturing processes use software to optimize tool paths, reducing tool wear and improving surface quality.

3. Post-Machining Processes: Techniques like jig plate finishing or using a casting tool can enhance the surface finish of the final product.

Anodize Aluminium, different color

Economic Considerations

What Drives Machining Costs?

Several factors influence the cost of machining:

1. Material Costs: The choice of aluminum, from common types to exceptionally corrosion-resistant ones, can affect costs.

2. Tool Wear: Faster speeds or machining harder alloys can increase tool wear, raising replacement costs.

3. Complexity: Parts with complex shapes or intricate designs often take longer to machine, driving up costs.

4. Manufacturing Process: Some manufacturing processes, like aluminum extrusion, might be more cost-effective for certain parts than others.

How to Achieve Cost-Efficiency?

To ensure low-cost machining:

1. Optimized Tool Paths: Using software to optimize tool paths can reduce machining time and tool wear.

2. Bulk Material Purchases: Buying raw materials like molten aluminum in bulk can lead to discounts.

3. Machining in Batches: Producing metal parts in larger batches can distribute setup costs over more units, reducing per-part costs.

4. Regular Maintenance: Regularly maintaining machines, like the CNC mill, ensures they operate efficiently, reducing downtime and repair costs.

round 40mm cnc turning aluminum part

Machining Challenges

What Issues Arise in Machining?

Machining, especially with materials like aluminum 7075, presents its own set of challenges:

  • 1. Material Adherence: Aluminum, an easy-to-machine metal, can sometimes adhere to the cutting tool, affecting the finish.
  • 2. Heat Generation: Rapid machining or using inappropriate tools can generate excessive heat, potentially altering the material’s properties.
  • 3. Inconsistent Raw Material: Variations in the raw material, like molten material or alloying elements, can lead to inconsistent machining results.
  • 4. Corrosion: While many aluminum types offer good corrosion resistance, some, especially those with poor corrosion resistance, can rust if not handled or stored properly.

How to Overcome Common Challenges?

Addressing machining challenges requires a combination of technique and technology:

1. Coolants and Lubricants can prevent material adherence and dissipate heat.

2. Tool Selection: Using a casting tool designed for aluminum can reduce wear and improve the finish.

3. Material Inspection: Ensuring the consistency of raw materials, like solid blocks or high-strength alloys, can lead to more predictable results.

4. Post-Machining Processes: Techniques like anodizing can enhance corrosion resistance, especially for materials with inherently poor corrosion resistance.

cnc turning aluminum part


Mastering aluminum machining is pivotal in today’s manufacturing landscape. With its lightweight and robust mechanical properties, aluminum is a cornerstone of the aerospace and consumer electronics industries. Besides its versatility and low machining costs, it can achieve complex shapes. 

Aluminum’s potential applications continue to grow with the advent of advanced alloys and other manufacturing processes. Manufacturers can harness the full potential of aluminum machining by mastering its nuances, ensuring high-quality, cost-effective products that meet modern industry demands.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, aluminum is a popular metal for CNC machining due to its lightweight, good mechanical properties, and ease of machining.

NO. CNC aluminum machining costs vary depending on the complexity of the design, the type of aluminum alloy, and other factors. Due to its ease of machining and good material properties, aluminum makes a cost-effective CNC machining material.

CNC machining typically achieves tolerances of +/-0.05mm for aluminum, but this can vary based on the specific machine and process.

A machined aluminum part was manufactured using CNC machines or other machining tools. Drilling, milling, and turning are examples of these processes.

Machined aluminum retains the strength properties of the original aluminum alloy. Some commonly machined aluminum alloys, like 7075, are known for their high strength.


Several factors affect the cost of CNC machining metal, such as the type of metal, the design’s complexity, and the production volume. Three-axis milling machines may cost around $40 per hour, while four-axis and five-axis can cost $75 to $120 per hour.

The best aluminum for CNC machining depends on the specific application. However, aluminum 6061 and 7075 are preferred for their good mechanical properties and machinability.

Aluminum parts are produced using many methods, including CNC machining, extrusion, sheet metal fabrication, casting, and forging. Various production methods exist depending on the desired properties, shape, and production volume.

Forged aluminum is formed by pressing a block of aluminum between the positive and negative sides of a hardened steel mold. Machined aluminum is processed using CNC machines or other machining tools. Forged aluminum can have a more refined grain structure and potentially higher strength than machined parts.

Machined aluminum parts are typically stronger and more consistent than cast aluminum parts. However, the strength also depends on the specific aluminum alloy used.

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